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We are validating the concept of a digital

platform to empower professionals

who work with people with

Autism, Asperger and adhd, OR


A person centric collaboration hub for professionals to team up, and help developing more of the person’s potential

More of the potential of Neurodivergent people can be enabled by creating the right collaboration among parents and professionals

We believe a digital platform co-designed with them could help them deliver the best of their work, for the true potential of neurodivergent people to be visible, for everybody

Help us validate this concept by responding to the short survey below

Are you a professional or parent working with neurodivergent people?

Take the survey

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It's just 3 minutes, and it creates the possibility to impact many people's lives.

Katrine & Mauricio Garza

We're in Copenhagen, developing this initaitive with lots of brains and heart

Antler Nordics Acceleration Program 2022

or just get in touch

    Do you feel your talent fits in here, or see potential for investment? Get in touch!

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